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can you be a protagonist material

Can you be the protagonist material

Can you be protagonist material well none can say if you cut out to be protagonist or not except for you and only you because you are the only one who know about yourself better then anyone else. 
Lets divide this into parts.
1 your emotion and feeling 
2  your daily routine 
3 your personality
4 your past events

That's it five parts so lets Roll in shell we :-  

1 Emotion and feeling

    as you all know feeling is important for a character to relate and feeling has to be pure and relatable to other. If we look in this world no person exists in here who never felt strong desire to others,suffering,sorrow,happiness,sadness etc so in a way every person can relate to each other because of their way of handling life and suffer many success or losses.    

So do you have strong sense of feeling and emotion which you can present to others then you pass. Yay! 1+ point. 
Or if you don't have strong sense of feeling and emotion then sorry -1 point. In a way I think everyone pass after all who don't have feelings except for Alexithymia patients well that's for another topic so lets move on daily routine 

2 Daily routine

As I say daily routine is also important it represent your way of life so to make yourself character material look up to your routine material and make the good use of time because people like character who is responsible toward his/her day life. After all time is everything    

If you have perfect way of daily life then yay! +1 point and if don't then sorry -1 points. Lets move on to personality

3 Personality

Everyone know person with good personality always comes first. This is something which only us can do something about how we represent ourself to the society. Our personality is good or bad only be understand by our body language,our way of making conversation and our way of speaking etc. I think in this matter you know yourself better then me aren't you ?   

If you have good personality then yay +2 points or if you have bad personality then you got +1 point,well sometime reader like character with bad personality for change of pace.lets move on to past events.

4 Past events

Well as everyone say your past events represent who you are right now. And as for novels character past events are important to make character relatable and somewhat likable so readers enjoy the character presence. I personally like to know the past event of character life so do you have any important or sad events which reader can relate and feel bad about it. Knowing this world everyone have some specific events which they feel happy or bad about.

 so do you have any past events which readers can relate to if yes then yay! +1 and if you don't then sorry -1 point

So my point is 4/5 one out for bad personality well I am more of introverse then extroverse

Tell me your points in comments

Well stay tune for next time until then farewell

can you be a protagonist material can you be a protagonist material Reviewed by anime world on 1:49 AM Rating: 5

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